Frequently Asked Questions.

You have questions — We have answers.

Here are a few common questions that we are asked. If you don’t find what you’re looking for below, let us know >> here.

We don’t chemically treat any of our water. We test our water regularly to ensure it meets our high standards.

We currently sell all our products at a variety of retail locations throughout Canada. Send us an email and we can help find a location.

Magnesium is used in more than 300 metabolic functions and is especially critical to the heart, muscles and kidneys. Many people are magnesium deficient and aren’t receiving the daily minimum recommended by nutritional organizations.

Magnesium absorption rates in Royal Beneficials® DEFEND and Royal Beneficials® RESTORE are at least 50%, making our mineral water one of the best ways to naturally absorb magnesium—as opposed to supplements that only have a 5% absorption rate.

That’s because of a unique combination of naturally occurring minerals and trace elements.

That would be the content of minerals found in each — low (Balance), medium (Defend) and high (Restore).

The human body cannot produce minerals by itself.  We have to get our mineral from different sources, such as food, drink, supplements, etc.
The best form of minerals we can get are naturally occurring, which are contained in our water, unlike artificial sources, which are produced in factories.

The difference between artificial and naturally occurring Magnesium is that our body can only absorb a 5% max of Artificial Magnesium compared to naturaly occurring, where the absorption rate is more than 50%.

We recommend to drink slightly cool — between 7º – 10º C  to get best taste and enjoyment.

Yes. Water from the source where Restore Beneficials is bottled has been used for almost 2 centuries after alcohol consumption. Generations of people found out that this water has an unbelievable capability to bring your body to normal the next day.

Balance – all day, any time during the day
Defend – all day, recommended after physical activity
Restore – recommended in the evening, after dinner or during the day after a celebration.

We bottle and ship our water directly from the source. To prevent breakage during shipping, we use fully recyclable, BPA-free plastic bottles.

We source all of our water from three separate underground springs, located deep in a protected area in the national park of High Tatra Mountains in Slovakia.